Bournville Radio Sailing and Model Boat Club

Radio Control transmitter modes
Multi channel radio control sets that use 2 sticks are often sold quoting a mode 1 or mode 2 configuration. this page will help you understand the differences in configuration.

The designation of the sticks ensures the label's on the receiver channels match what the sticks are being used for. In reality you can use any channel for any function . If you have a mode 1 set up and you plug your Speed controller into the throttle channel and your rudder servo into the aileron channel on the receiver you will have throttle on the left stick up and down and the rudder on the right stick left and right.
For most model boat activities the common set up is the throttle on the left stick and the rudder on the right stick. If you are sailing a yacht the throttle stick is used to control the sail.
For sailing a throttle stick with a ratchet is used while for electrically powered models with forward and reverse speed control a throttle stick that self centers to off is not only more useful but safer.
Some higher end transmitters offer the facility to configure the sticks however you want and also allow a conversion of the throttle between ratchet and self centering. You need to check what facilities your proposed purchase offers